Reporting suspected corruption or other irregularities

SCA aims to counteract corruption at all levels and in all forms. No organization is immune to corruption and other irregularities, but SCA is at particular risk as Afghanistan is one of the world’s most corruption-prone countries. Corruption pervades public and private structures and exerts a serious impact on the lives of our target groups. In the end, corruption means that human rights are disregarded.

We value the safety and respect of everyone affected by our work. We uphold a zero tolerance of corruption through a combination of transparency, clear policies and control, efficiency at work and strong defence of our target groups’ rights. You will find the SCA Anti-corruption Policy here.

All employees are required to report suspected irregularities. Members, target groups, partners and others can also report suspected irregularities through the SCA whistle-blower mechanism offered here. SCA staff are asked to contact their supervisor or manager for issues relating to dissatisfaction in the workplace or related matters, as these issues cannot be investigated in the scope of whistleblowing.

All irregularities reported will be documented, assessed and whenever possible investigated by the SCA Anti-Corruption Committee (ACC). ACC consists of the Secretary General, the Country Directors of Afghanistan and Sweden, and the Head of Internal Audit.

Our Whistleblowing Service

The whistleblowing service can be used to alert us about serious risks of corruption or other related forms of irregularities. Your report can include information regarding criminal offences, irregularities and violations within a work-related context. Please follow this link to safely report and communicate with SCA:

