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Last Sikh in Nangarhar says he’s not leaving Afghanistan

Externa nyheter Gulcharan Singh, the last Sikh in Afghanistan’s eastern Nangarhar province, says the rest of his community left the country due security reasons, but that he is staying in his home country.

Taliban to Send 15,000 People Abroad to Shepherd Livestock

Externa nyheter The Taliban Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs has announced that based on an agreement, it plans to send 65,000 people to work outside Afghanistan.
According to Taliban Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Makhdoom Abdul Salam Sadat, 15,000 of them will be sent as shepherds to Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.

UK army killed 64 children in Afghanistan between 2006-14

Externa nyheter British forces have paid compensation for the deaths of 64 children in Afghanistan, a toll four times higher than the 16 child deaths publicly acknowledged by the Ministry of Defence, according to a new report.

A dossier on Afghanistan and the climate emergency

Externa nyheter Afghan Analysts Network gathers all their climate-related reports.

Opinion: Afghan girls need to be back in school. Here’s how to help.

Externa nyheter Restrictions imposed by the Taliban on girls’ education have caused great concern that Afghan governance is moving backward: Secondary schools have been closed for girls for more than a year now. But there are reasons to believe that international engagement could encourage the Taliban to move positively on the issue, for the benefit of girls and the country.

Afghan central bank gets fresh banknotes

Externa nyheter A Polish firm has delivered Afghani banknotes to Kabul this week after the United States paved the way for the Afghan central bank to make a payment via international banking systems, a member of the bank's supreme council told Reuters on Wednesday.

Talibaner förbjuder kvinnor på gym och badhus

Externa nyheter Förbud mot tillträde till gym och allmänna bad kommer härnäst i talibanernas inskränkningar för kvinnor i Afghanistan. Beskedet kommer bara dagar efter det att kvinnor förbjudits besöka landets parker och nöjesfält.

Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) reopens office in Kabul

Externa nyheter The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) has welcomed the reopening of the office of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Afghanistan and says it’s a political success for the IEA.

IEA leader calls for judicial punishments to be in line with Sharia law

Externa nyheter Supreme leader Mullah Haibatullah Akhundzada met judges in Kandahar and ordered them to carefully investigate cases of robbery, kidnapping and sedition and to implement Hudud if Sharia conditions are fulfilled. Hudud punishment includes amputation, flogging and the death penalty.