Externa nyheter

A Conversation with Ahmad Massoud on the Future of Afghanistan

Externa nyheter The leader of the National Resistance Front (NRF) talks to the Hudson Institute.

Taliban conduct first public execution since return to power

Externa nyheter A Taliban government spokesperson said a man was killed at a crowded sports stadium in south-western Farah province after he confessed to murder.

IEA stops Radio Azadi from broadcasting in 13 cities across Afghanistan

Externa nyheter The FM radio station has been accused of violating the IEA’s broadcasting regulations.
“This radio broadcasts one-sided news in violation of journalistic principles,” Abdul Haq Hammad tweeted.
At the same time, Voice of America has also reported that according to the new guidelines of the Ministry of Information and Culture, Voice of America radio broadcasts from inside Afghanistan will be stopped from December 1st.

The Daily Hustle: Going to the bank

Externa nyheter Some banking customers in #Afghanistan must send someone to queue and wait until 1 am when an employee gives out numbers to the lucky 55 people to use the bank the following morning. The Daily Hustle interviews a young man about his weekly banking ritual.

Explosion outside Kabul mosque kills Hekmatyar’s guard

Externa nyheter An explosion happened near a mosque in Kabul where Hizb-e-Islami leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar was delivering Friday sermon, killing one of his guards and wounding two others, his office said.

Pakistan Embassy in Kabul Attacked, Security Guard Wounded

Externa nyheter The Pakistan Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the compound of Pakistan embassy in Kabul "came under attack today targeting head of mission, Ubaid-ul-Rehman Nazami."
According to the statement, Nizami is safe but a Pakistani security guard has been critically wounded.

Släck inte hoppet för Afghanistans kvinnor

Externa nyheter LEDARE Sedan talibanerna tog över makten i augusti förra året har de steg för steg gjort Afghanistan till ett fängelse för kvinnor. Hur tänker den svenska regeringen agera på förtrycket?LEDARE Sedan talibanerna tog över makten i augusti förra året har de steg för steg gjort Afghanistan till ett fängelse för kvinnor. Hur tänker den svenska regeringen agera på förtrycket?

Aktivist har bibliotek för kvinnor: ”Vi är inte tysta”

Externa nyheter Aktivisten Laila Basim har varit med och startat ett bibliotek för kvinnor i Afghanistan som ett svar på talibanernas förtryck mot dem, skriver BBC. Där erbjuds böcker på flera språk och i flera olika ämnen.

Afghan, Foreign Investors Meet in Kabul to Improve Ties

Externa nyheter After nearly 16 months, the first joint meeting between Afghan and foreign investors was held in Kabul on Friday to improve business ties and discuss opportunities for investment in Afghanistan.