Externa nyheter

Afghan malnutrition rates at record high

Externa nyheter Malnutrition rates in Afghanistan are at record highs with half the country enduring severe hunger throughout the year, a spokesman for the World Food Program said.
The Taliban takeover in August 2021 drove millions into poverty and hunger after foreign aid stopped almost overnight. Sanctions on Taliban rulers, a halt on bank transfers and frozen billions in Afghanistan’s currency reserves restricted access to global institutions and the outside money that supported the country’s aid-dependent economy before the withdrawal of U.S. and NATO forces.

Humanitarians await guidelines on women’s role in aid operations

Externa nyheter A UN-led group of humanitarians are hoping that the Taliban will allow Afghan women to again work with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on the ground following last month’s ban, four senior aid officials told journalists in New York on Monday.
Representing the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), they stressed that the world’s largest humanitarian operation – supporting some 28 million people in Afghanistan – simply cannot function without women staff.

In Afghanistan’s battered healthcare system, power cuts can prove fatal

Externa nyheter Afghanistan still imports 80% of its electricity from its Central Asian neighbours and Iran, which leaves the country susceptible to wide-scale power shortages, especially in the cold winter months. For hospitals and health clinics, electricity can mean the difference between life and death.

Wrestling with a Humanitarian Dilemma in Afghanistan

Externa nyheter What should donors do when the Taliban benefit from international assistance while harming the Afghan people?
The marginalization of half the population highlights the “humanitarian dilemma” that aid donors and international agencies face: Afghanistan is highly dependent on humanitarian assistance, not only for saving lives and easing deprivation but also to stabilize its economy. The quandary for international donors is what to do when alleviating suffering benefits the Afghan economy and thereby the Taliban regime, even when that regime is harming its own people?

Guterres Calls on ’Taliban’ to Reverse Ban on Female Access to Education

Externa nyheter On UNESCO's International Day of Education, the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on the “Taliban to reverse the outrageous and self-defeating ban on access to secondary and higher education for girls & women in Afghanistan.”

Afghan Lawyers on Rule of Law’s Frontlines Need Urgent International Support

Externa nyheter Meg Satterthwaite and Richard Bennett: The Taliban have attempted to effectively ban all women from participating in the legal system. These de facto authorities removed more than 260 women judges – more than 10 percent of the bench – and women lawyers have been deprived of permission to practice law via a discriminatory relicensing process open only to men.

Afghanska kvinnor får rätt till asyl i EU – på grund av sitt kön

Externa nyheter EU går nu samma väg som Sverige och meddelar att afghanska kvinnor har rätt till flyktingstatus på grund av sitt kön.

Why Taliban promises of change evaporated: Who’s really calling the shots in Afghanistan

Externa nyheter The actions of the Taliban since regaining power have revealed the real power structure of the group. Its hard-line approach can, in many ways, be traced back to one man.

Sunniledare uppmanar till Sverigebojkott

Externa nyheter Al-Azhar-universitetet i Kairo, sunnimuslimernas högsta lärosäte, manar till global bojkott mot Sverige och Nederländerna efter helgens vanhelgande av Koranen, rapporterar AP.