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World Reacts to Restrictions on Girls’ Education at School Year Start

Externa nyheter The continued ban of girls from education in Afghanistan in the new solar year has sparked a number of reactions throughout the world.

Why the Afghan Security Forces Collapsed

Externa nyheter SIGAR report: The decision by two U.S. presidents to withdraw U.S. military forces from Afghanistan fundamentally altered every subsequent decision by U.S. government agencies, the Ghani administration, and the Taliban. Actions taken by each ultimately accelerated the collapse of the ANDSF in August 2021. But the stage had been set for that collapse long before—by the failure of the U.S. and Afghan governments to create an independent and self-sustainable ANDSF, despite 20 years and $90 billion of international support.

Afghan diplomats return to Turkey and Iran as Taliban pushes for relations thaw

Externa nyheter Despite being shunned by much of the international community, the Taliban government has made diplomatic breakthroughs in the Middle East and Central Asia.
Since the autumn of 2021, the Islamic Emirate has appointed diplomats to various positions in embassies and consulates in Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, China, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia.

Passport Distribution Begins in Kabul, Other Provinces

Externa nyheter Following a five-month halt, the process of distributing passports resumed on Wednesday in Kabul and other provinces of the country.
According to the figures of the General Directorate of Passports, around 10 thousand people will receive passports every day across the country, and patients needing medical care and students will be prioritized.

Taliban Announce Reopening of Universities, but Only for Male Students

Externa nyheter De facto Taliban authorities have announced the reopening of state-run universities in the Afghan capital, Kabul, and several other cities, but say only male students will be allowed to attend.

A Worsening “Human Rights Crisis”: New hard-hitting report from UN Special Rapporteur

Externa nyheter Richard Bennett said the authorities’ “systematic violation of the human rights of women and girls” has deepened and asked the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to consider whether the “crime of gender persecution” is taking place.

Fears Mount Over The Future Of Afghanistan’s Historic Bamiyan Valley

Externa nyheter March 11 marks the anniversary of the destruction of Bamiyan’s sixth-century Buddha statues by the Taliban in 2001. According to experts, encroaching construction, negligence, and looting are endangering the status and future of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Lack of Female Doctors in Paktika

Externa nyheter Paktika province has a population of 1.5 million peoople but just has three hospitals and two women doctors.

Women bear brunt of Afghanistan job losses

Externa nyheter Female employment levels have fallen steeply since the Taliban administration took over in 2021, according to new figures released by the International Labour Organization (ILO). In the fourth quarter of 2022 female employment is estimated to have been 25 per cent lower than in the second quarter of 2021, before the crisis. Male employment levels are down seven per cent in the same period.